Take back (some of) your privacy control with Firefox and extensions

Speaker: Hayden Chung (Hong Kong)

Community: Mozilla

Language: English (with English Slides)

Category: Open Source

Tag: Firefox Privacy Security

Photo of Hayden Chung

About Speaker

Hayden Chung, a freelance system administrator, describes himself as an information security fanatics which loves to try out new technology. He is a daily Firefox user, Nightly tester and a bug reporter which loves Firefox and Mozilla. He participates in Mozilla Hong Kong’s activities and is a guest speaker in OSHK 2014, he is also one of the author of Mozilla Hong Kong’s Blog.

About the Topic

This talk would be targeting Internet users which concerns about his/her online privacy and wanted to fight back and gain some control. The talk is divided into two parts: the first, which educates the user what information might be giving out during a browsing session, what is the privacy and security implications of these shared information; the second, would be introducing firefox functions and extensions which help user to visualize, acknowledge and control what information should be giving out.